Have you heard of the AB Martin Heritage Panel? Get the classic look of Standing Seam for half the cost!

T-Shaped Horse Barn with Indoor Riding Arena

This beautiful t-shaped horse barn and riding arena showcase what can be done with building materials from A.B. Martin Roofing Supply.

From the Gallery Blue and Bone White ABM Panels to the custom ABM Cupolas, copper weathervane, aluminum sliding door, premium tongue and groove horse stall lumber, powder-coated black hardware and grills, lumber, trusses, and windows, everything came from A.B. Martin.

The advantage of getting it all from one place is that you save headaches because you’re having it delivered on one load. Plus, the more you buy, the greater your discount.

Roof Panel: ABM Panel
Roof Color: Gallery Blue
Side Panel: ABM Panel
Side Color: Bone White
Location: Smithburg, MD
Builder: TriState Barn Builders



Custom Horse Barn with Gallery Blue Metal Roofing

Riding Arena from A.B. Martin

Indoor Riding Arena with Sliding Door

Horse Stall Componants from A.B. Martin

Indoor Riding Arena from A.B. Martin

Gallery Blue and Bone White Horse Barn

Vixen Hollow Horse Barn from A.B. Martin


Learn more about the advantages of metal roofing:

Is a metal roof way more expensive than shingles?

Is a metal roof heavier than shingles?

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