Have you heard of the AB Martin Heritage Panel? Get the classic look of Standing Seam for half the cost!

Is a metal roof only for agricultural buildings?

Welcome to the seventh and final of a seven-part series on the most common questions homeowners have about metal roofing versus asphalt shingles. The questions we will be covering are as follows:1. Is a metal roof way more expensive than asphalt shingles2. Does a metal roof cost more to install?

3. Should I worry about my metal roof being heavier than shingles?

4. Is a metal roof noisier than asphalt shingles?

5. Is a metal roof hotter in the summer than asphalt shingles?

6. Is a metal roof fireproof?

7. Is a metal roof just for agricultural buildings and not for residential?


Is a metal roof just for agricultural buildings and not for residential?

Years ago, the application for metal roofing was rather limited. Farmers used metal for roofing and siding their barns or chicken houses, and construction crews built with metal on commercial and industrial buildings. It was a cheap solution and fit the need. But because of issues with mold and rust over time, metal wasn’t considered for residential homes. And it just didn’t fit the look most homeowners wanted.

But times have changed and so has metal roofing. Today you will see many more homes topped with metal. Why the change? Metal roofing has come a long way with new and diverse styles in a wide gamut of high-performance colors which do better at fighting rust and mold. Metal panels are often over 50% lighter and up to 100 degrees cooler than asphalt shingles. Standard shingles are also flammable, while metal panels help to prevent fires with their fire resistant properties.

Plus, hidden fastener panels like our ABSeam panel give a crisp appearance to your roof and are becoming ever more popular. We are increasingly seeing more homeowners discover the beauty and cost-effectiveness of modern-day panels. Today, studies are showing that a quality metal roof will actually increase the beauty and resale value of a home, making it a wise investment that will last for years to come.

So whether you are building a shop, barn, or warehouse, or you are just looking for a new look for your home, metal is the right choice for beautiful, long-lasting roofing for a reasonable price.



Watch how metal roofing is made.



Energy Efficiency

Metal roofing colors that meetthe Energy Star minimum approved solar reflectance index (SRI) rating of 25 – meaning that at least 25% of the sun’s energy was reflected back into the atmosphere – qualify for a special energy-efficiency tax credit. The credit is 10% of the cost of materials installed on your primary residence and up to $500. As you can see from the documented SRI values of our ABM Panel and Commercial Panels, ABSeam Panel, and Textured Panel colors, most of our panel colors met and exceeded the Energy Star minimum requirement.

If you want to compare the energy efficiency of our metal panel colors before making your final selection, take a look at the SRI values for our colors found in the links below. (Helpful hint: the higher the SRI value, the more energy efficient the panel.)

Choose metal. Long-Lasting. Energy Efficient. Beautiful.

Disclaimer: Obviously A.B. Martin believes in the benefits of using metal roofing, or we wouldn’t be manufacturing it. But we do sell asphalt shingles too. These articles attempt to make a fair comparison between asphalt shingles and metal roofing. If you decide asphalt shingles are better for your needs, we stock Tamko’s 30-year Heritage Shingles that have the best warranty on the market.