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OSB WoodBinder

OSB WoodBinder

If you are going to be fastening metal roofing into soft OSB, ST Fastening Systems has developed a special WoodBinder with extra grip for better OSB performance.

Sold in bags of 250. Stocked in 3/4″ Galvanized (GV), Black (BL), Brown (BN), Burgundy (BU), Bronze (BZ), Charcoal (CH), Clay (CL), Colonial Red (CR), Evergreen (EG), Forest Green (FG), Barn Red (RD), Slate Blue (SB), and Bright White (BW) with more colors and sizes available for special order.


• Fastener designed to attach steel roofing to OSB sheeting.
• Powder Coated for exceptional corrosion resistance.
• EPDM rubber is vulcanized to a steel washer to form an excellent seal even when driven at an angle.