Have you heard of the AB Martin Heritage Panel? Get the classic look of Standing Seam for half the cost!

Building Showcase: Amazing Outdoor Kitchen with Copper Roof


It’s hard to beat the performance of copper.

In order to keep its sheen, a copper roof must be coated with oils, waxes, or opaque paint coatings every few years. But if left uncoated, copper goes through a natural oxidation process that eventually forms a unique protective patina (light green in color) that can last hundreds of years.

In fact, tests on European copper roofs from the 18th century showed that, in theory, copper roofs can last one thousand years!

Today’s Building Showcase features an amazing outdoor kitchen with a Copper standing seam roof.

Roof Panel: ABSeam Panel
Roof Color: Copper
Location: Chambersburg, PA
Builder: Crickside Barns


Copper Roof Pavo;opm

Copper Standing Seam Roof



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