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8 ft. Cupola on Maryland Bank Barn


8 ft square by 13 ft high. That’s the size of the cupola on this Maryland bank barn.

Our standard cupola sizes are 16″, 24″, 36″, and 48″ (the two cupolas on either side are 48″). For this jumbo cupola, we partnered with our friends at Frysville Metalcraft.

The funny thing is, the jumbo cupola doesn’t look that big on top of the barn. But that just shows how big the barn is.

The roof panel is the ABSeam Panel in Medium Bronze with ABM Panel Ash Gray as the siding. The materials for the other buildings also came from A.B. Martin like the ABM Panel Bronze and Ash Gray roofing, siding, and wainscoting, with Snow Defender 4500 snow guards, and smaller ABM Cupolas.

Roof Panel: ABSeam Panel and ABM Panel
Roof Color: Medium Bronze and Bronze
Side Panel: ABM Panel
Side Color: Ash Gray
Location: Galena, MD
Builder: Byler Builders, LLC

8ft Cupola on Maryland Bank Barn

ABSeam Panel Standing Seam in Medium Bronze on MD Bank Barn

Medium Bronze ABSeam Panel Roof

Shop with Bronze and Ash Gray ABM Panel

8 foot Wide by 13 foot High Cupola

New Maryland Bank Barn from AB Martin

Maryland Farm supplied by ABMartin

Maryland Farm with Metal Roofing from AB Martin

Maryland Bank Barn with 8 ft Cupola


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Is a metal roof way more expensive than shingles?

Is a metal roof heavier than shingles?

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