The AB Martin March Sale is going on now in our hardware store! Check out the deals here!

Building Showcase: Country Barn with Black Metal Roof

A beautiful country setting is the home of this brand new 40′ x 80′ garage/event barn. All the building materials came from A.B. Martin Roofing Supply. Including the lumber, posts, metal roofing and siding, custom 36″ cupolas, aluminum sliding dutch doors, 36″ x 44″ windows, raised panel shutters, eagle weathervane, and more!

Panel:  ABM Panel
Roof Color:  Black
Siding Color:  Clay
Location:  Jefferson, MD
Builder:  MDG Services Inc.


What is the Building Showcase?

The Building Showcase is a free email series with photos and videos of unique buildings across the East Coast that show what can be done with building materials from A.B. Martin.

We want to showcase the amazing craftsmanship of our industrious builder and contractor customers.

(If you know a building we should visit, fill out this form.)


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ABM Panel Clay and Black

ABM Panel Clay and Black

Learn more about the advantages of metal roofing:

Is a metal roof way more expensive than shingles?

Is a metal roof heavier than shingles?

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Will Shingles or Metal cost me the most?